The famed Lummox Publisher and Poet Raindog (a.k.a. RD Armstrong) from Long Beach, CA along with famed Outlaw Poet (author of Dillinger) Todd Moore from Albuquerque, NM will be making a special appearance at the Mill Gallery (131 Front Street) in Santa Cruz this Friday, May 22nd reading their poetry at 7:30 pm. –
Lummox Press announces the publication of The Riddle of the Wooden Gun by Todd Moore. This 144 page chapter from his epic poem, Dillinger, explores the escape from Crown Point jail. The wooden gun used by Dillinger to gain his freedom… some say it was an inside job.
“I’ve been haunted for a long time by the dubious history and strange mythology of Dillinger’s wooden gun, the one he allegedly used in his escape from Crown Point jail.” – Todd Moore
Todd Moore’s poetry has appeared in more than a thousand literary journals in the last forty years. He has had more than a hundred books and chapbooks published since 1976. His work has been anthologized in THE OUTLAW BIBLE OF AMERICAN POETRY, DRINKING WITH BUKOWSKI, and LAST CALL. In 2004 Moore along with Tony Moffeit founded the Outlaw Poetry Movement. Presently, Moore co edits, along with his son Theron, ST. VITUS POETRY PRESS. A retired teacher, he lives in New Mexico with his wife and dog. His outlaw days are not yet behind him.
RD Armstrong aka Raindog writes poetry and fiction when he can find the time. Mostly, he’s either working on his many Lummox projects: the Lummox Journal, a bi-monthly magazine, the Little Red Book series (44 titles to date) which is published by the Lummox Press and the LSW Newsletter. RD has several books of his own in print, including The San Pedro Poems and Paper Heart #4. His most recent book, ROADKILL, is being hailed as the ultimate California road journal prose poem, gutsy and rhythmic. — Brian Morrisey